The Alluring and Awe Inspiring – The Art of Fashion Photography by Patrick Remy

The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) is thrilled to have The Art of Fashion Photography by Patrick Remy, available for purchase in the NGCI Store, located in the lower exhibition hall. Its’ a glossy paged, bright pink, bold lettered, hard cover book that’s hard to miss. Carefully chosen and assembled by Patrick Remy, The Art of Fashion Photography is a stunning collection of some of the most striking visual artistry by 28 of today’s most promising and captivating fashion photographers. More than just a coffee table book, it is perfect for the lover of both art and fashion and subscribes to the belief that fashion IS an art form. The contents of its pages show that fashion photography can and does have more depth than simply being pretty pictures. Each collection helps to break down any boundaries placed up against fashion. Viviane Sassen, Benjamin Lennox, Namsa Leuba, Julia Hetta and Dario Catellini are just some of the brilliant photographers included within this vibrant and visually exciting book.

About the Author

Patrick Remy has been writing about fashion photography since 1992 and opened his own studio aptly named STUDIO, in 1999. He has contributed many written works to magazines, such as, Vogue Paris and Journal des Arts. He is no stranger to fashion exhibitions, having done many himself. Most notably his exhibitions in popular cities like Miami, Tokyo and Melbourne. He is also the author of several other fashion focused books.


CI $45.00
Now on sale in the NGCI Store
NGCI Members receive a 10% discount

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