
Cottage on the Beach

Watercolour on paper
29 x 34 in.

This scene of a yellow cottage and clothesline on the beach depicts a picturesque stretch of coastline looking towards Prospect Point. At the centre of the composition are a group of coconut trees that have grown crooked, influenced by the ocean wind. Today, these watercolours reflect nostalgia for “The Islands Time Forgot”, harking back to a simpler age before the rapid development of recent decades.

About the Artist
Janet Walker

b. 1938

A longstanding member of the Cayman Islands arts community, Janet Walker trained at the Ontario College of Art before moving to the Cayman Islands in 1963. She soon traded oil paint for watercolours and began working outdoors to authentically capture Cayman’s rapidly changing light. She was prolific in the 1980s and 1990s, exhibiting frequently with the Visual Arts Society as one of its original members. She was the recipient of the Cayman National Cultural Foundation’s 1995 Creativity Award and her work is included in the permanent collections of NGCI and the Cayman Islands National Museum, as well as several corporate art collections. Walker was featured in a solo exhibition, Janet Walker – A Retrospective, at NGCI in 2010 and in the group exhibitions Watermarks (2005), All Access (2015), A Legacy of Light (2016), Tropical Visions (2019), and Seascapes: Maritime Art from the National Collection in Little Cayman at the Little Cayman Museum in 2020.