Helios in the Night Series
Helios in the Night are the hauntingly beautiful product of Saunders’ use of artificial intelligence to achieve an almost painterly effect in these digitally manipulated images. As such, they occupy a nebulous space as digital creations that are in part the product of a singular author (that is to say, drawn from the artist’s own imagination) and partially the autonomous creations of AI in the form of a string of code that itself determines the exact appearance of the image — much as automation is already fulfilling a multitude of more mundane functions in our contemporary world.
About the Artist
Brandon Saunders
b. 2000
Brandon Saunders is a young Caymanian artist currently studying for his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in the UK. One of the main preoccupations of his practice is to upend and subvert traditional genres such as portraiture, where he reconfigures works from the canon of Western art through a series of creative interventions. Although a great amount of his time is dedicated to working with digital media, Saunders’ methods both respect and honour traditional techniques and try to incorporate them into his own artistic production. Saunders’ work was featured at NGCI in the exhibitions Upon the Seas (2017) and Cross Currents – 1st Cayman Islands Biennial (2019), where he won runner-up for the Emerging Artist Award.