
Who ya fah?

Mixed media installation
93 x 107 x 24 in.
Purchased with support from the Ministry of Health, Environment, Culture and Housing

Collective memories are often passed down through the generations as stories and in Jordison’s case have revealed much about her own heritage. “‘Who ya fah?’ is Caymanian slang for ‘who is your family?’. Says the artist, “Being from the Cayman Islands is a part of my identity and it appears throughout my creative process, influenced by memories of my culture and my own sense of self”. Through mixed media and sculpturally enhanced works, she encourages viewers to reflect on their own personal culture and experiences, often in participatory ways.

About the Artist
Paige Jordison

b. 1996

Paige Jordison began creating art at an early age, having been raised around her father’s art gallery in Grand Cayman. Graduating with degrees in Studio Art and Art Management from Appalachian State University in the United States in 2019, her work addresses cultural memory and her own Caymanian heritage, often employing materials that resonate with personal, familial, or cultural significance. Jordison has exhibited at Salon de Refusés (2016), the Chancellor House Exhibition (2016–2018), Art Expo (2018), the Nth Degree Gallery (2018), the Blowing Rock Art and History Museum (2018), as well as at her BFA senior studio show in 2018. Her work featured in NGCI’s exhibition Cross Currents – 1st Cayman Islands Biennial (2019), where she won the Emerging Artist Award.