Mangrove Ecosystems
Mangrove Wetlands are a vital ecosystem in the Cayman Islands, supporting both marine and terrestrial life across the islands. These salt-resistant coastal trees provide an essential habitat for local species, slow the effects of climate change, encourage rain production, and provide barriers to erosion and storm surges. In this video, you’ll learn more about the incredible ecology of red, black, and white mangroves and meet professionals from the National Trust for the Cayman Islands and the Mangrove Education Project who are working to protect and educate on this essential biome. You’ll also hear from visual artist Chris Mann on how these significant trees inspired his series of mangrove paintings, some of which are included in the National Art Collection. Find the full video, further resources on mangroves, and visual art below.
Additional Mangrove Resources
Contact these partner organisations to learn more about mangroves, environmental protection initiatives, and how you can get involved:
Mangrove Rangers Cayman The National Trust for the Cayman Islands
More National Collection artworks and exhibitions about mangroves: