KAABOO Artistic Director and Muralist Amandalynn Visits NGCI for Workshop

NGCI recently had an opportunity to spend time with visiting San Francisco-based Mural Artist, Fine Artist, and Conservator, Amandalynn – who was recently painting various murals throughout the island in preparation for the highly anticipated music and art festival, KAABOO. Amandalynn began developing her distinct Street Art style mural work in 2001, painting alongside the infamous graffiti collective, The Seventh Letter.  During one of her recent mural projects in Cayman, she was kind enough to offer a hands-on workshop for local students – and the young artists thoroughly enjoyed a memorable learning experience from someone who’s works can be found in Galleries and streets all over the world.

A big thank you to Amandalynn for putting on this workshop and allowing the students to be a part of such a unique and memorable experience.

KAABOO will be different from other music festivals as its uniquely curated to include world-class music, inspiring contemporary art, hilarious comedy and gourmet cuisine.

For tickets please visit: kaaboocayman.com/nationalgallery. NGCI will receive part proceeds for each ticket sold though this designated link to support non-profit educational programming.