The National Gallery is delighted to announce a virtual exhibition of works by students of our Walkers Art Club 2022-2023 programme. We are sincerely grateful to Walkers for their nineteen-year and ongoing commitment, to this important and much-loved programme, which has allowed thousands of students to access art programming at no cost.


Walkers Art Club is a well-established programme that continues to enjoy an excellent reputation throughout the islands, remaining in high demand amongst children and parents. The 2022-23 programme was no exception, with students learning a wide variety of studio skills, such as watercolour, gouache, acrylic paint, pastels, collage, sculpture using paper mâché, ceramics and glazing, gradients and blending, weaving, bookbinding, portraiture, dioramas, printmaking, Sgraffito technique, impasto and 3D painting, figure drawing and pointillism.

Taught Concepts included critical art theory, observational drawing, pattern recognition, calligraphy, value scales, composition, linework, positive and negative space, still life, complementary colours, Pop Art, papermaking, 3D building models, one and two-point perspective, collage, preparatory sketches and sketchbook techniques, many of which are shown in the new online exhibition of students work.

During the programme students also visited the National Gallery’s exhibition spaces to facilitate learning, to see the work of local and international artists and to provide inspiration for their own work. When asked for feedback, one primary-aged student said “I really enjoy Walkers Art Club because I don’t have art in school (which I’m very upset about), which means that this is the only place I can do art. I’ve made lots of art here, I have learned so many things about art because of WAC.”

In addition to art skills and theoretical concepts, Walkers Art Clubs seeks to build community ties and encouraging cross-school friendships and interactions, to support social cohesion, kindness and understanding, and also make sure participants have lots of fun learning! One secondary student recently said “I made a bunch of new friends and bonded with people who I have known for a long time. It was a really amazing experience, and I would love to come back next year for more funny memories.”

The positive and regular feedback from students and parents continues to demonstrate the importance of this programme and impact it is having on the lives of its students.

When asked about the 2022-23 programme, Education Manager, Maia Muttoo said “Walkers Art Club has gone from strength to strength in 2022/23. This year, the primary instructor for WAC developed an overarching syllabus that provided structure across all class groups of the same level, streamlining the preparation process, and solidifying each class’s goals. Inclusion Cayman again helped to provide our instructors with a toolkit to successfully offer a great experience for children of all abilities. The students have seen wonderful growth in their artistic capabilities, which is evident in the skilled worked included in the online exhibition. If their feedback is any indication, they also had a lot of fun doing it! We are grateful for Walkers’ continued support of this important programme that provides an inclusive space for students of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to engage with the arts and each other.”

Ingrid Pierce, Global Managing Partner of Walkers, also commented and praised the talented students who participate in the programme each year “Giving young people the opportunity to learn new things and be creative is important. We’re proud to support the great work the National Gallery is doing and it’s terrific to see demand for the Walkers Art Club growing every year. The students never fail to impress us with their creativity and enthusiasm – we can’t wait to enjoy their latest work through this exhibition.”

The results from the 2022-23 programme are evident in the work produced, which is now available as an online exhibition.

Want to join the programme?

The popularity of Walkers Art Club is evident to see each August, when applications to join the programme come in thick and fast. To respond to this growing need, the programme has expanded in recent years to include two additional foundation-level sessions and one additional Primary and Secondary session all thanks to Walkers continued generosity.

Registration for the 2023/2024 programme is now closed, with new registrations taken annually in August. Click here for further details.

For more information about the Walkers Art Clubs please contact the National Gallery at (345) 945 8111 or email