Having closed its doors to the public this week, the National Gallery team is expanding its digital platforms to provide virtual exhibitions, art information and educational resources online.

“Museums provide a critical role in society during times of need and we are aware that a lot of families, who are confined to their home, are seeking access to creative activities at this time,” said director Natalie Urquhart. “While we are closed for site visits, our team remains committed to providing inspiring, locally-produced, online resources about Caymanian art and culture for our community.”

Virtual tours

Four National Gallery exhibitions are already available via the NGCI website as virtual tours. They include ‘Cross Currents – Cayman Islands Biennial’, featuring 42 local artists; ‘Bendel Hydes – A Retrospective’, a survey of the artist’s 50-year career; a tour of the National Art Collection; and ‘Tidal Shift’, a group exhibition of 26 artists.

For those who haven’t had a chance to experience NGCI’s current exhibition ‘Island of Women – Life at Home During Our Maritime Years’, this will be uploaded early next week. These can be accessed here.

Educational content

Under the Teacher Resources section of the site, there are downloadable lesson plans and activity sheets that include information about art history and local artists, with suggested activities. These can be accessed here.

Throughout the shutdown period, the NGCI Education Department will continue uploading new resources to this page on a regular basis. People seeking additional information or resources relating to a specific artist or art theme are invited to email NGCI education coordinator Maia Muttoo at education@nationalgallery.org.ky.

In addition to the website, NGCI will be regularly sharing local and international news and information via its social media platforms, along with artist interviews and lesson plans.

“Virtual reality has made global museum collections accessible, allowing us to experience a tour of a museum that we otherwise may never have the chance to visit. We’ll be sharing these and many more resources over the coming weeks,” said Urquhart.

For questions relating to the exhibitions or collections, email William Helfrecht at collections@nationalgallery.org.ky. For educational resources and questions, email Maia Muttoo at education@nationalgallery.org.ky; and for general inquiries, contact Lauren Anderton at administration@nationalgallery.org.ky.

Source: Cayman Compass