The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) is looking forward to joining museum leaders, curators, educators, scholars, and researchers from 15 Caribbean countries for the upcoming conference #MACCon2021 “Cultivating Resilience in Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites”, hosted by the Museums Association of the Caribbean. The 18 sessions across three days will feature discussions about how museums have adapted in the pandemic, new engagement methods, new developments on the preservation of historical sites and indigenous cultures, museums and their role in climate action, inclusion, and social justice, and more. Over 15 countries are represented at the #MACCon2021 conference, including St. Maarten, Bermuda, Belize, Bahamas, Canada, Cayman Islands, Panama, Haiti, St. Lucia, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, United States, and the Netherlands.

The National Gallery’s Education Manager Maia Mutttoo will be presenting on the NGCI Art and Wellness programme – a project that we developed in response to the impact of COVDI-19 – and Director Natalie Urquhart will join a panel to discuss how museums have adapted virtually through online programmes and exhibitions with colleagues from the Bahamas, Bermuda and the US. NGCI is also a proud conference sponsor, supporting the daily wellness segment which will feature Cayman’s Janine Martin and Jeri Bovell leading delegates through online yoga and meditation.

The Cayman Islands are also represented by Cayman Brac’s Simone Scott who is one of nine scholarship recipients for this year’s convening.

MAC is the only museum service organization that caters to the entire Caribbean. If you are a creative or cultural professional working in the region or the Caribbean Diaspora don’t miss out on three days of information, actionable takeaways and networking from 03-05 November, 2021. For more information about the conference visit  #MACCon2021.