Foregrounding the artistic practice of Gladwyn “Miss Lassie” Bush, this exhibition invites artists to offer creative responses to the enduring legacy of one of Cayman’s cultural icons. Renowned for her intuitive process and inimitable style, Miss Lassie’s prolific body of work spans over a hundred and forty paintings on canvas, glass, and board, as well as the expressive ‘markings’ summoned from her ‘Mind’s Eye’, which now adorn the walls, doors, and shutters of her wattle and daub cottage in South Sound.

In paying tribute to Miss Lassie, artists are encouraged to consider the spiritual and intuitive nature of her work in equal measure to the literal ‘markings’ and iconic symbolism that is prevalent throughout her art and most notably preserved at the Mind’s Eye Cultural Centre. Exploring the origins and inner workings of artistic creativity, Intuitive Spirit consequently seeks to highlight the work of artists who are similarly inspired to create ‘from within’, providing a platform for the wider exploration of creativity in all its myriad forms.

Submissions should address or engage with the subject matter of this exhibition synopsis and artists are strongly encouraged to adopt a looser and more expansive interpretation of the exhibition’s theme, in place of literal representations of the iconography and style of Miss Lassie’s work.

Artwork in a wide variety of media will be considered, from painting and sculpture to artists working within related fields and practices including collage, assemblage, installation, and fine craft. Selected artwork will feature in a four-month-long exhibition in the National Gallery’s Lower Exhibition Hall.


This exhibition is open to residents in the Cayman Islands or artists of the Caymanian diaspora. Artists are invited to submit photos of work (or work concept drawings/photos), with an accompanying artist’s statement relating the work to the exhibition synopsis. This should be provided in electronic format only and directed to the attention of the curatorial team at collections@nationalgallery.org.ky by Friday, 07 June*. A maximum of three works per artist will be considered. Submissions must be accompanied by**:

  1. Artist biography (150 words max) and headshot
  2. High resolution image of the proposed work (minimum 2MB)
  3. Artist statement/artwork information (title, date, medium, size and a description of 200 words or less)
  4. Any special installation instructions
  5. Link to your website, if applicable

[*The original deadline of Friday, 17 May has been extended.]

[**NGCI curatorial staff are available to assist you with the development of the above material as required.]

All complete submissions received by the above deadline will be reviewed by the NGCI curatorial team. Successful applicants will be notified by email no later than Wednesday, 29 May. Final artwork needs to be delivered to the NGCI site on or before Friday, 12 July. The exhibition will run from Thursday 18 July until 24 October 2024.

 For more information email collections@nationalgallery.org.ky  

Download Open Call for Submissions Announcement