Horacio Esteban

Solo Exhibition

« Horacio Esteban

Horacio Esteban – Sculptor, Artist, Artisan

Press Release


Born in Cuba of Caymanian and Cuban parents, Horacio Esteban spent his early childhood growing up in the rich, diverse culture of Cuba’s post-revolution age before moving to Cayman Brac at the age of four. Immediately inspired by the natural beauty of the island, he soon forged a deep connection to the land, which has influenced his practice ever since.

Today, Esteban is one of Cayman’s premier sculptors, and he moves seamlessly between this medium and painting, traditional craft, woodwork, and jewellery. A member of the Native Sons artist collective, he exhibits regularly with the group, and in solo exhibitions. His award-winning work can be found in public museums and commercial galleries in the Cayman Islands, and private collections around the world.

Best known for working with the indigenous stone Caymanite, for this exhibition Esteban experiments with raw, reclaimed, Cayman cedar wood to create remarkably expressive two and three-dimensional animal sculptures, and functional art. Blending fallen branches with accents of Caymanite, limestone, steel, bronze and glass, he transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.