Launched in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Ivan – the now infamous category 5 storm that devastated Grand Cayman in 2004 – Emergence was an exhibition dedicated to providing a platform for artists to harness the therapeutic qualities of art, encouraging them to process and respond to the effects of the natural disaster.
The exhibition featured 38 multidisciplinary artists, among them John Broad, Debbie Chase van der Bol, Nickola McCoy-Snell, and Courtney Platt. Through varying approaches, the artists created an exhibition ‘out of rubble’—both figuratively and literally – having engaged with materials such as recycled debris, damaged personal items with emotional resonance, and the newly transformed landscape itself.
Commenting on the show’s intention, curator Natalie Urquhart said, “We hoped that this exhibition would be a source of inspiration both for the exhibiting artists and for the larger community”, adding “this exhibition represented our art community’s response to the darkest hours in our recent history, demonstrating the courage that was required to prevail in these most trying of circumstances”.
Emergence was curated by Natalie Urquhart and was on view at the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands from 10 December 2004 – 11 February 2005.
Featured Artists
Wray Banker, Joseph Betty, Zoë Blount, Debbie Chase van der Bol, Ivan Boyd, David Bridgeman, John Broad, Kidan Brooks, Carl Brown, Randy Chollette, Nasaria Suckoo Chollette, Lennon Christian, Angelique Crowther, Horacio Esteban, Webb Fingors, Anne Goulden, Tytia Having, Denis A. Hue, Maureen Lazarus, Chris Mann, Nickola McCoy-Snell, Courtney Platt, Priscilla Pouchie, Johnne Powery, Dorothy Robertson, Karoly Szücs, Allison Vanin, David Wolfe, Cynthia Woodgate, and others.