Through Ivan's Eye

Photographs by Gretchen Allen and Hurricane Ivan

19 Jan – 1 Mar 2018


This exhibition featured a collection of images by Gretchen Allen which were damaged and remarkably transformed by Hurricane Ivan in 2004.

Returning home in the immediate aftermath of the storm, Allen found her worldly treasures submerged in what she described as a “miasma of muck, mud, and mire”. Her life’s work was all but destroyed by nature’s violent wrath, along with mountains of memories. Piece by piece, she tried to salvage her photographic archive — watching as the chemical emulsions of the slides, the colours, and the memories literally washed down the drain. Devastated, she placed the damaged slides in a container and stored them away.

It was years later in 2017 that Allen found the courage to revisit this photographic series. While no longer recognisable, in their deterioration the slides had been transformed into pictures of abstract art.

What she found was both startling and surprising: explosive colours poured forth, as though someone had upended “God’s paint box”. Unexpectedly, there were intriguing abstractions, French impressionistic pieces, and cosmic cloudscapes. These transformed images no longer got their meaning from the story they once told, but rather from the story “painted” by the storm.

The devastating trail of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017 serves as a sobering reminder of our own experiences with Ivan and these “Ivanised” photographs symbolise both the damage that nature can inflict, as well as the hope and transformation that emerges out of our darkest moments, such as the rallying of our Caribbean community in support of those affected.

Returning and Travelling Exhibitions

30-15 Sep Feb 2019

Through Ivan’s Eye

NGCI Travelling Exhibition - Cayman Brac


“Art Through the Eye of the Storm: National Gallery of Cayman Opens New Photographic Series”
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Will Smith

“We take the things that Life Breaks Apart... We Open Our Hearts... and Turn Broken Things into Art!”
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Cayman Compass

“Hurricane transforms art in latest gallery exhibit”
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