“Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?”
– Paul Gauguin, 1897.
Rapid socio-economic advances have transformed our Islands from a maritime society to a financial mecca in less than 50 years, a shift that has had enormous repercussions on our wider culture, its expressions, and material testimony.
The 23 artists featured in this exhibition considered the impact that this change has had on their sense of self, and on the wider concepts of national identity, through a series of personal and social narratives. Some created from a deeply introspective viewpoint via memory, family, language, and personal mythology, while others addressed the wider, often highly contested, notions of immigration, political status, ethnicity and race, rights of citizenship, urban development, as well as erosion of tradition. Executed in a wide range of media, these works offered a critical space for challenging existing borders, boundaries and horizons, and articulated new meanings of a Cayman identity.
Curated by Natalie Urquhart.
Featured Artists
Shane “Dready” Aquârt, Wray Banker, David Bridgeman, Matt Brown, Nasaria Suckoo Chollette, Randy Chollette, Sean Ebanks, Meegan Ebanks, Davin Ebanks, Aston Ebanks, Kerwin Ebanks, Kaitlyn Elphinstone, Frank E. Flowers, Jamie Hahn, Ben Hudson, Greg Lipton, Elena McDonough, Pippa Ridley, Judy Singh, Gordon Solomon, Simon Tatum, and Elina Zavala.